Raw grass-fed cows milk, vegetable enzymes and sea salt are the elements which create a delicious versatile cheese that can be served alone or to enhance the flavor of any recipe. With the realization of the importance of grass-fed food, our family has dedicated our 252 acre farm to the grazing of our cows. Our cows do not have a restricted grazing schedule; but are allowed free choice pasture and spring water 24 hours a day. Freedom to roam in a healthy, relaxed natural environment will allow the cows to produce milk of superior quality. Colonial Classics Farmstead Cheese embodies distinguishable flavors and characteristics that are found in a truly wholesome grass-fed cheese. We are cheesemakers. We are artisans. But first and foremost…we are grassfarmers.

Our products

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Tomato and Garlic

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Classic’s Cheddar

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Jalapeno Pepper Jack

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Chive Blend

Try our ALLEGHENY Brand line of cheeses:

Allegheny Farmstead Cheddar

Allegheny Farmstead Jalapeno

Allegheny Farmstead Sundried Tomato and Garlic